Yes, and it does so every single day. By making the able individual in society more able and more certain of his spirituality and abilities, by helping people through its religious and social reform programs, by countering drug abuse, criminality and illiteracy while simultaneously promoting morality and human rights—by all this and more, the Church of Scientology is indeed improving the world situation.
- Background and Basic Principles
- Scientology Beliefs
- Scientology Founder
- What Scientology Does for the Individual
- Scientology and Dianetics Books
- Scientology and Dianetics Training Services
- Scientology and Dianetics Auditing
- Clear
- Operating Thetan
- Scientology Ministers
- Inside a Church of Scientology
- Scientology Attitudes and Practices
- Scientology and Other Practices
- The Organization of Scientology
- Church Management
- Religious Technology Center
- Church of Spiritual Technology
- Church Funding
Scientology in Society
- I’ve heard that Scientologists are doing good things for society. What are some specific examples?
- Can Scientology do anything to improve the world situation?
- How are secular programs based on L. Ron Hubbard’s technology coordinated?
- Who are the Volunteer Ministers?
- What is the Way to Happiness Foundation?
- What is Applied Scholastics?
- What is Criminon?
- What is Narconon?
- What is the Foundation for a Drug-Free World?
- Why are Scientologists so vocal on the subject of human rights?
- Why is Scientology opposed to psychiatric abuses?
- What is the Citizens Commission on Human Rights?
- Why is the Church of Scientology considered a pioneer regarding Freedom of Information laws?
- What does Scientology do to protect the environment?
- Do doctors, schools, social workers, businesspersons and other professional people use L. Ron Hubbard’s technology?
- Does the Church of Scientology engage in interfaith affairs?
- What is the Scientology view regarding other religions?
- Why do some people oppose Scientology?
- Why has Scientology sometimes been considered controversial?
- Does Scientology view the press as hostile?
- Can Scientologists come and go as members of the Church if they wish?
- Why does the Church have confidential scriptures?
- Do Scientologists believe they are descended from aliens?
- Why has Scientology so often been in court?
- Why is everything copyrighted and trademarked in Scientology?
- Are there any laws against the practice of Scientology? Has it ever been banned?
- How does Scientology view deprogrammers and groups that attempt to force people to denounce their chosen religion?
- Is Scientology trying to rule the world?
- Are young children permitted in the Sea Organization?